Artwork inspired by Kurth, LaPoint, and Blond

Just some stuff I saved. Maybe you'll find some of this interesting...

Note: Some links, particullarly to, may no longer function. They have been left "broken" for historical accuracy Similarly, there may be pictures that do not show up because they have been deleted since the pages involved were new.

The Ectozone was first hosted by Angelfire from 2003-2007; the old pages are still there, if you feel like taking a look!

News Archive

If you ever wanted to see the junk that used to be on the front page, now you can.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2003

The original Digibusters page. I was originally going to split the site between Ghostbusters and Digimon (thus the name "Digibusters"), with the Ectozone being the Ghostbuster section, and the Digimon section to be named "Digital Nexus". I abandoned the idea and the whole site evolved into the Ectozone as we know it today. But eventually, I'd come back to the Digimon idea to create this

Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline: May 13, 2003

Salvaged from an old backup, for historical purposes, the version of the Timeline as a first posted it. A lot of stuff got taken out quickly, including some very different directions for the original Ghostbusters post-EGB compared to the collaborative GBI/GBOT fanon. The Timeline was first posted as one massive page.

Ectozone Index: August 18, 2003

A look at the Ectozone page before I subdivided it and it "took over" the whole site.

Ectozone Index: October 26, 2003

A look at the home page after I'd started to divide it, and experimented with button images. By now the Ectozone has taken over the prime index page, and it's officially (as of October 6, 2003) "".

Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline: 88MPH Studios

A little experiment I did pruning the Timeline just for the 88MPH series. A lot of it is already apocryphal (ie everybody would have to be at least five years older by the mini-series) but it was fun diversion.

Ectozone Index: December 29, 2003

The first version of the page with the Ghostbusters Legion illustration; this early on, it was in pencil colors. It wasn't until May 2004 that it was computer colored.

Chronicles of Gozer: The Tale of Atlantis

Early draft of the chapter of backstory I wrote for Chronicles of Gozer

Ghostbusters: Legion#1

My review of the long-awaited 88MPH comic series' premiere issue.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2004

The first anniversary. This was the beginning of "Ectozone 2.0", with the use of tables to refine the design elements.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2005

Second anniversary. A little refinement to the look, but still recognizable. It's become kind of a tradition to archive this page now.

Ectozone Index: November 20, 2005

Just because I wanted to. The GenCon photo might be of interest to some people.

Ghostbusters: Forever

The promotional picture created by Kingpin

Ectozone Index: January 26, 2006

The Ectozone home page from the day a lot of fan prayers were answered (at least as best they could be without the official endorsement of Sony): the release of Ghostbusters: Forever, the wedding of Egon Spengler and Janine Melnitz

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2006

The Third anniversary, and the release of "Gemini Rising"

Ectozone Index: September 13, 2006

The twentieth anniversary of The Real Ghostbusters. Also, basically the last version of the homepage before I started using stylesheets

Ectozone Index: November 13, 2006

The first homepage of "Ectozone 3.0", evolving the look of the site even further with the use of Cascading Stylesheets. The CSS code is embedded in this page, so even if the look changes again, it'll still be an accurate recreation.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2007

The tradition continues; the Fourth anniversary (and the long-overdue release of "Digibusters, Part 3")

Ectozone Index: July 16, 2007

The final main page for the Angelfire version of

Ectozone Index: December 17, 2007

Carried the announcement of the new video game

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2008

The fifth anniversary of the Ectozone, and the debut of "Ectozone 4.0"

Ectozone Index: July 28, 2008

The big announcement! The Real Ghostbusters on DVD!

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2009

The sixth anniversary of the Ectozone.

Ectozone Index: June 8, 2009

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the release of a little movie called Ghostbusters.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2010

Seventh Anniversary of the Ectozone.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2011

Eighth Anniversary of the Ectozone.

Oh, dammit, I gotta save this for posterity...

Ectozone Index: May 1, 2012

Debut of an...interestingly named new character in IDW's comic series

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2012

Ninth Anniversary of the Ectozone.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2013

Tenth Anniversary of the Ectozone.

Ectozone Index: February 25, 2014

The Ectozone notes the death of Harold Ramis

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2014

Eleventh Anniversary of the Ectozone.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2015

Twelfth Anniversary of the Ectozone. Maybe one day I'll ge tired of doing this every year, but not yet.

Ectozone Index: March 8, 2015

The Ghostbusters (2016) trailer drops. Plus the main page when I had to switch servers.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2016

Good old lucky #13!!!

Ectozone Index: July 15, 2016

For the first time in twenty-seven years a new Ghostbusters movie appears in movie theatres.

Fritz Babbles About Ghostbusters: Answer The Call

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2017

The Ectozone is fourteen, and bugging me to let it get its ears pierced.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2018

The Ectozone is fifteen, and bugging me for driving lessons.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2019

The Ectozone is sixteen, and keeps asking for my car keys.

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2020

The Ectozone is seventeen, and insists "birthday parties are for babies!!!".

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2021

The Ectozone is now, if it was human, old enough to vote! (Offer not valid in Georgia--too many dark colors)

Ectozone Index: June 8, 2021

The Future Is Now! The Ghostbusters of 2021 are now the present day Ghostbusters of Timeline 8932!

Ectozone Index: November 19, 2021

Ghostbusters: Afterlife hits the theatres!

Fritz Babbles About Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Ectozone Index: February 15, 2022

The Ectozone notes the death of Ivan Reitman

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2022

Nineteen years--the Ectozone has now been around for half the lifetime of the Ghostbusters franchise!

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2023

Twenty. Damn. Years!!!

Ectozone Index: May 13, 2024

The Ectozone is old enough to drink, plus some rebranding to the stories go live.

Better Late Than Never? Fritz Babbles About That Movie All The Rest of You Saw Months Ago

My long, boring, and snarky review/commentary on Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, stuffed with all sorts of failed attempts at humor.


The two letters I had printed in Now's RGB comic (issues 22 and 24) (Thanks to Ghostdiva for the scans)

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