Here are the ranks for the forum, in case anyone was wondering.
0 posts--Poopnose (0 star)
(It was Loser Who Won't Even Post until today, but I couldn't help myself)
1 post--Fresh Meat

10 posts--Extreme Ghostbuster
75 posts--Doberman

150 posts--Moononite

400 posts--
I Have No Life

When you reach this rank, and are not a Mod, you will be added to a User Group that gives you a yellow user name
Moderators will be picked by me. If you were a Mod at the old board, you'll probably be reinstated unless you didn't post much. If we need more Moderators, they'll be appointed as needed.
Note that, at the moment, the Editorial Staff (Global Moderator) user group is open for applications.

For the forseeable future, that will be me and me only--over the three years the Ectozone board has been running it hasn't needed any other Admins (most of the time even the Mods don't have much to do)
Editorial Staff

The Global Moderators. Can Moderate over any board of the forum. If I decide we need any more Admins, they will be the first ones to be considered.
For the moment, there are no plans for Mods over individual boards only, so I'm not going to even worry about it.
Custom Titles
PhpBB doesn't allow Custom Titles like we're used to. I am investigating Modifications or the use of the new Custom Profile Fields setting to simulate this feature if I can help it, instead of cluttering up the rank list.
Custom Titles are given out solely at the whim of an Administrator, and as mentioned above that means me. These are usually created with at least an attempt at humor or an inside joke in mind; I promise that if you really hate yours, I will remove it, but reserve the right to not take requests.