Proboards recently upgraded the software on their servers, so all Proboards are now running a new version of the program, Proboards 4.5.
The old Ectozone forum, the one we used before August 2007, as you might recall, is hosted by Proboards. While it's not active anymore, it was upgraded right along with the rest.
I'm mentioning this here because with the upgrade came some changes to the way posts and threads are archived and identified by the program--what it boils down to is that most if not all of the links to the old board are no longer valid.
If the link includes a long number starting with a 10 or a 11, it's probably dead--the old system assigned id numbers according to a Unix time stamp. Newer urls will have much smaller numbers, as the new system issues them in numerical order (much like PhpBB does)
I do plan to go back and revise the links in the fan fic and other threads, but I'm not going to promise that this will be done promptly or immediately.
The main page of the archive is still the same, and if you have trouble following a link you can start from there to find what you are looking for:
Thanks as always for your patience.