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 Post subject: The Accident
PostPosted: August 25th, 2007, 12:56 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 9:10 pm
Posts: 910
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Zodiac: Pisces
Title: The Accident
Author: Shafarah White
Beta Reader: Susie Owens
Disclaimer: I don't own the Real Ghostbusters they belong to their respective companies and I only own Julianna and Carlton Stantz.
Rating: Pg-13

Winston parked Ecto into the garage. The guys all got out they were a little tired, but sane. Since the bust had lasted all morning and a little into the afternoon. "Man, that was the messiest and longest bust that we been on in quite a while. I'm going to clean up and take a nap." Peter muttered as he climbed upstairs.

Slimer followed him because he was so happy to see him. The green ghost greeted Peter by giving him a big slimy kiss and hug, that caused Peter to yell out: "Aw Gross, Slimer!" as he chased the spud.

Winston and Ray started laughing, "Boy, it seems that Peter always getting bear-hugged by Slimer even though he hates it." Winston said smiling as he watched Peter chase Slimer.

Ray nodded in agreement, "Yeah I know. Peter said that he doesn't like him, but I see him sneaking treats to Slimer once in a while. So I think Peter really does like him, but doesn't want to admit it." He said smiling behind his mustache. He always thought he looked good in a mustache as he decided to grow one, even though it took a long time to do so.

Egon had gone downstairs to empty the traps and also work on one of his projects in the lab he had in the basement. So Ray and Winston continued talking.

"So where are CJ and Jules?" Winston asked.

Ray replied, "They are over at their Great Aunt Lois' house spending the night with her. It's been really quiet at home. Elaine and I wanted to spend more time by ourselves." He grinned.

Janine suddenly hurried down the stairs, Winston and Ray looked up at her and they knew something was wrong by the look on her face.

"Janine, what's wrong?" Ray asked.

Janine rushed over and took his hand, "Ray," She began in a slow voice, "There has been a accident."

"Janine," Ray's heart was pounding, at least he felt it when there's something wrong in his family, "Janine, please tell me."

"Jules is hurt." Janine had tears in her eyes.

Ray suddenly grabbed her by the arm, "What? How?"

Janine didn't try to pull away, instead she said, "Your Aunt Lois said that Jules was riding her bike with CJ and Charlie to get some ice cream. Jules was riding too fast. Her bike hit a pothole and she flew off hitting her head on the pavement."

Janine stopped for a moment looking at Ray, "Ray, she wasn't wearing a helmet."

Ray's face turned ash as he stared at her, "No, she knows better than that. Why wasn't she wearing a helmet?"

Janine shook her head, "I don't know."

Winston placed his hand on Ray's shoulder and he let Janine loose. "Is there anything else, Janine?" he asked.

Janine nodded, "She also suffered a sprain ankle, a couple of bruises and dislocated her shoulder. Elaine was told and she's on her way up there. Ray, you need to go up there now!"

Ray looked very shocked, "I have to see my little girl." He said in a panicky voice.

Egon had just came from the basement, "What happened to Jules?"

She has been in a bad accident, she's now at the hospital and I have to go see her." Ray said.

"Then we better get you there and prompt." Peter said as he came down the stairs, "Let's go guys, we've got to get Ray to his daughter."

When they arrived at the hospital, Ray quickly jumped out and ran inside. He ran up to the desk, "Please can you help me? My little girl was brought in here."

The nurse looked at him, "What's her name?"

"Julianna Stantz."

"Oh yes, she was taken to the children's ward. Come along and I will show you the way."

Ray followed her; the others decided to wait in the lobby. When Ray got to the children's ward, His Aunt Lois, CJ and Charlie was waiting for him.

"Hey, everyone. I came up here soon as I heard." Ray looked around for his wife, but didn't see her. "Aunt Lois, where's Elaine?"

Aunt Lois looked at Ray, "She's in the ward with Jules. The doctor is coming down here shortly to talk to you. But he said you could go in, just don't excite her too much."

Ray nodded and headed inside. Some of the other kids knew him and cheered when he came in. But at that moment, all Ray saw was his daughter. Elaine was sitting next to Jules by the bed and his daughter looked so small lying in the bed. Her eyes were opened. Because she was looking around, she didn't say a word. But Ray noticed the tears in her eyes. He also noticed the head bandage around her forehead and the sling around her shoulder and the tight bandage around her ankle.

He came over and gave Elaine a hug, then went to stand next to Jules' bed, "Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked softly.

Jules moaned, "It hurts, Daddy. The doctor grabbed my arm and he pulled it real hard. Oh Daddy, It hurts. And my head hurts and my ankle." Ray held her for a minute, and then looked at her.

"Jules, I was told that you didn't wear your helmet. Why?"

Jules' lips trembled, tears now came down freely. " I didn't want to ruin my hair. Charlie said he liked it, I'm sorry Daddy, Mommy, I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

"Oh sweetheart, we could never be mad at you. We love you." Elaine said, as she joined her husband as they both held her assuring her that it's going to be all right.

A young doctor with dark brown hair entered the children's room and went over to Jules' bed.

He held out his hand to them, "Hello, you must be Dr. and Mrs. Stantz. I'm Dr. John Morris of the children's ward and I need to speak to you about Julianna's condition."

Ray and Elaine nodded. Ray shook Dr. Morris' hand.

"Your daughter is very lucky that the head injury is not that serious. She dislocated her shoulder and it had to be snapped back into place." He looked at Jules, "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

Jules just nodded.

"She also twisted her ankle. I would like to keep her for six days just to keep an eye out on the head injury."

Ray and Elaine nodded listening to every word Dr. Morris was saying.

Ray asked, "How long does Jules have to wear the sling on her shoulder and the bandage on her ankle?"

Dr. Morris replied, "She should keep the sling on her shoulder for six weeks. Then when it comes off, She must exercise it everyday or she will lose the use of it. As for the bandage on her ankle, it stays on for about two weeks. For now, she cannot do anything that strains on her muscles. But like I said, she must exercise the shoulder once the sling is removed. Do you have anymore questions?" He asked.

They both shook their heads and the doctor left.

After the doctor had left, Ray and Elaine sat with their daughter for a while longer until a nurse came in and told them that visiting hours were over and Jules needed to get some rest. So they both got to hold their daughter before they left, "We'll see you tomorrow, pumpkin." Ray said.

As he and Elaine left the children ward. They went back to the waiting room where Aunt Lois, CJ and Charlie were waiting.

"Is Jules' going to be okay?" Charlie asked, looking a little worried that this had to happen to her. He really cared about her.

Ray nodded, "Yes she will, Charlie. Don't worry about it, and you can visit her anytime."

Everyone talked a little longer until it was time to leave.

"The guys are waiting for me in the lobby and I have to let them know what's happening with Jules." Ray replied. Before he left, he turned to his son.

"CJ, are you still going to stay with Aunt Lois or going home with your Mom?"

CJ thought for a moment, "I'll go back with Great Aunt Lois."

Ray looked at his aunt, "May CJ stay with you, tonight?"

Aunt Lois nodded her head, "Yes he may, Ray. I'll also take Charlie home."

After that was taken care of everyone departed and Ray went to the guys who were waiting out in the lobby.

"So how is she?" Peter asked as he stood up and came over to his friend.

Ray told the guys how was Jules doing and how long she has to stay.

Janine shook her head sadly, "I hope that she's going to be okay."

Ray assured her that she would and visiting hours were over for the day and he's going to come back to see her tomorrow.

Then everyone had left the hospital.

Winston noticed the look in Ray's eyes and he placed his arm around Ray's shoulder, "Are you going to be okay, Ray?"

Ray replied quietly, "Yeah I am. My poor little girl, she looks so sad and scared lying on the bed."

Egon said, "You know that we're here for you and for Jules, too. We'll give her all the support she needs, Raymond."

Ray brightens up a little bit, "Thanks, guys."

He gave them a little smile and Peter gave his friend a hug saying, "Don't worry, Jules will be okay."

"I know Peter. I just wished that she had been wearing her helmet."

His friends nodded, then got into Ecto and went back to the firehouse.

The next day, the guys went back to the hospital. They went down to the children's ward. They went in and over to Jules' bed. She was feeling a little better, but she still felt a little sore. Her bruises were starting to heal up very nicely. She could move around a little bit, but she was still a little scared. But she was in good spirit, "Hi, everyone." Jules greeted.

Ray gave his daughter a hug saying, "Hi sweetie. How are you feeling today? I see your bruises are healing up very nicely."

Jules smiled at her father and replied, "I'm doing alright, and I’m just a little sore. Where are the others?"

Ray took her hand, "Your mom, Aunt Lois, CJ, and Charlie are coming by here later on."

Jules nodded, "Dad?"

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I kind of wished that I didn't have to stay in bed all the time. I would like to get up and move around a bit, despite my twisted ankle. I'm getting a little boring." She looked disappointed about not able to get off the bed to walk around yet.

"Hey, don't worry, Jules. You're going to feel better soon, and then you're able to move around a bit. Just take it easy and relax." Winston reassured her.

Jules gave him a little smile, "Thanks, Uncle Winston."

As everyone was talking to Jules, they heard a loud bang against a window, Peter got up and looked at the window noticing Slimer was trying to get in.

"Slimer! I thought I told him to stay at the firehouse!" Peter scolded.

Ray started laughing, "Well, I think he just misses Jules and he wants to cheer her up and he might bring a smile to the other children. So why don't we let him in?"

Egon walked over to the window and opened it. Slimer flew into the room and the children laughed and pointed to him. Peter went over to Slimer.

"Spud, you've got to be good and no sliming or you can't stay. Understand?"

"Yeah, Yeah! Slimer will be good!"

Jules and the other children laughed when Slimer amused them with his tricks. Soon it was time to leave, Peter, Egon and Winston headed back to the firehouse while Ray stayed with Jules for a while longer.

Ray went over to Jules taking her hand saying, "Come on. Let's go on the patio, so you can get out of this bed for a while."

Ray gently lifted her out of her bed and carried her out to the patio and placed her on a chair. He sat down beside her and waited.

Jules stared at him, "Daddy?"

"You know I love you very much. Don't you, sweetheart?"

Jules nodded.

"I just wanted you to be safe and that means wearing your helmet and I know you didn't mean for this to happen."

Jules had tears in her eyes, "I know. Daddy, I'm really sorry about this."

She started to cry while Ray held her his arms, shushing her.

"I know, baby. I know."

A few days later, Jules was feeling a lot better and was allowed to go home, But Dr. Morris wanted her to stay at home for at least a week and was told not to do any activities that would strain her muscles.

When she was ready and everything was taken care of, Ray and Elaine took her home. When they got home, everyone welcomed her back. Ronnie and Jason were also there to cheer her up. Elaine helped her daughter to the house while Ray carried her bag. Jules was glad to be home. CJ came towards his sister hugging her.

"Welcome home, Sis." He smiled at her and then looked back at Charlie. "I think Charlie has something for you."

He motioned for Charlie to come forward. Charlie was carrying a box and a card, "Here Jules. I have something for you,” he explained as he gave her a nice get-well card, and then came from the box came a tiny mew. Jules opened it; inside was a red tabby Persian kitten.

She picked it up and replied, "She is so soft and pretty. Thank you, Charlie."

She smiled at Charlie as she gave him a kiss on the cheek that made him blush. "You're welcome, Jules. My cat Missy had 8 kittens a while back and I thought this would cheer you up while you recover from your accident. Your parents said it was okay to give her to you." he explained.

Jules smiled as she showed everyone her kitten. Janine smiled, "She's a very cute kitten, Jules."

Elaine also smiled at her daughter, "What are you going to name the kitten?"

Jules held the kitten to her chest and thought for a moment, "I'm going to call her Fluffy."

Ray was looking at Jules and the kitten. But Winston was looking at Jules and Charlie, "I think Jules really likes Charlie, and she is so happy with her kitten."

Ray nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I agree. But she is not having any boyfriends until she's 16, and I admit that Fluffy is cute." he replied.

After a while, Elaine asked everyone to go home so Jules can get some rest. Everyone said good-bye to her and hoped that she would get better. Jules was lying down on the couch trying to find something to watch on TV since she could only hobble, because of her injured ankle. The doctor told her to stay off it as much as possible. She was reading the comics that her parents had gotten for her when there was nothing else on TV. that really interest her. Her kitten Fluffy was sitting on her stomach purring contently.

Ray and Elaine came into the living room to check on her. "So are you enjoying the comics that we had gotten for you?" Elaine asked her daughter.

Jules smiled, "Yes I am, Mom. Thank you. I'm really enjoying them. "

Ray smiled at his daughter, "You're welcome, sweetheart." As he ruffled her red hair and pets Fluffy saying, "Down, Fluffy."

Jules looks at her parents with a sad look on her face, "Mom, Daddy?"

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Elaine asked.

"I have been having some bad dreams lately, mostly about the accident that I had. It's making me very scared of riding a bike and I don't want to anymore." She said with tears in her eyes.

Ray and Elaine looked very concern, they both hugged their daughter, "We know, sweetheart." Ray replied. It's going to be okay and we just wanted you to be safe. You need to take one day at a time. Your family will help you." Ray replied.

Jules starts crying now, "I know. I should've told you about the dreams, but I was too scared." She sobbed.

Ray and Elaine continued to hold their daughter a while longer until she quiets down and falls asleep on the couch.

Fluffy jumps back on and curls up next to her. Ray pulled the blanket over her whispering, "You just rest here, and we’ll bring your dinner later."

He and Elaine both kissed their daughter on her forehead and left quietly so she can get some rest.

Ray turned to Elaine, "Why do you suppose she was afraid to tell us about the dreams?"

Elaine shook her head, "I don't know, let's give her more time. After all, she is our daughter." They both smiled and left Jules to rest.

A week later, Jules still had the ace bandage wrapped around on her ankle since it still hurts, but not as much as before. As for her shoulder, she had to keep the sling on for another five weeks. She was told exercise it or she can loose the use of it. She was able to move around a lot more, but had to be careful. Jules was worried; she was still eerie about getting on a bike, because of what happened. She finally decided to tell her parents about more of the bad dreams that she was having.

Ray and Elaine saw their daughter hobbling into the living room where they had been watching television.

She went over to them saying, "Mom, Daddy? I'm ready to talk about the bad dreams that I've been having."

"Sure honey, you can tell us now. Why don't you sit right here beside us?" Elaine said.

Jules sat down beside them. Then she started to tell about what happened in her dreams.

"In my dream, I'm riding my bicycle on the street in the neighborhood and I saw a big pothole and I tried to avoid it. But the bicycle..."Jules stops for a moment to gather her thoughts. Ray hugs her, "Go on, Jules."

“. Tripped over it I go flying over the handlebars and because I forgot to wear a helmet. I got hurt badly, I almost died."

Elaine also hugs her, "Oh, honey. It was just a bad dream."

"There's more. I was riding my bicycle on a mountain road and I saw an exit that was closed. I tried to turn away from it, But the bicycle had a mind of it's own and I went over the cliff."

Ray and Elaine looked a little concern after she was finished telling them her nightmares. They both hugged their daughter again.

"Oh sweetheart, you know that you can tell us anything, we're for you." Elaine replied.

Ray lifted her chin so she was looking at him, "Jules, are you afraid to ride again after your shoulder heals?"

Jules nodded her head.

"It will be okay. Those were only dreams and we will help you to get over your fear. But you have to promise us something."

"Yes, Dad?"

"Never go riding without your helmet again and that goes for your brother as well."

"I promise, Dad."

Just then, CJ came in from being outside with Ronnie and Jason and he saw the look on Jules' face as she finished telling their parents about her nightmare.

"Hey Sis, are you going to be alright?"

Jules nodded.

CJ gave his sister a hug, "I'm glad."

It had been a month since Jules had her accident. She was healing very nicely. She was finally able to have her sling removed she could also walk better now. With the support of her family and friends, Jules finally got over her fear of riding a bike. Ray and Elaine had bought her a new bike.

It was after dinner, the family had just finished eating, and they were cleaning up in the kitchen. When they were done, CJ and Jules decided to go for a bike ride. So they both went into the garage to take them out but before they headed off, Ray and Elaine checked to make sure that they both had their helmets on.

"Do the both of you have on your helmets? We don't want the same thing happening again." Ray said.

CJ and Jules both nodded. Elaine said, "Okay then, have fun and be careful. Make sure that you keep your helmet on at all times Jules. And that also goes for you, CJ."

"We will Mom, don't worry." Jules replied.

After that the kids left. Ray and Elaine watched them while holding each other's hand, while Fluffy was playing in the yard. "I'm so glad that Jules got over her fear so she could ride her bike again. Don't you agree, sweetie?" She asked him.

Ray smiled behind his mustache, "Yeah, I'm glad that Jules is going to be careful for now on." He replied. "I just wanted her to be safe while riding her bike. And CJ, well they are both great kids."

Elaine nodded in agreement, "I agree, sweetheart." Then Ray offered Elaine his arm and together in arm in arm, they both went back into the house while Fluffy followed them.

The End

I'll get you next time, Gadget! Next Time!- Dr. Claw, Inspector Gadget ending credits

We never would've lost if you koopaling clowns had tried to wake me up! Whose idea was this midnight attack?!- King Koopa, True Colors

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