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PostPosted: November 26th, 2016, 4:07 pm 
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What the Hell, Jenny?! And YAY, Janine has joined the fight too!

I'm so nervous....

Keeping hope alive, even at the bleakest moment.

PostPosted: November 26th, 2016, 4:49 pm 
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Potentially spoilery guesswork:
I feel fairly certain the movie characters are safe. As I've said before, the end of Vol.2 pretty much screamed "We're not allowed to do anything permanent to them". RGB Egon for the same reasons, plus it would really screw up the animated timeline, wouldn't it?

Kylie is the most notable character with a chance of being knocked off. She's based off an animated character, but isn't actually the same Kylie as on TV.

More likely, it'll be one of the IDW-created characters. Jenny is at the top of the list due to her big screw-up; I could see her nobly sacrificing herself to "Make it right" though Ortiz is always a possibility too.

No matter, it's going to hurt some--since none of the characters I wouldn't care about getting killed (Ron, the Rookie, or Louis) are involved in this battle. (And Louis and probably the Rookie would have the same "immunity" as the main five).

We'll see how wrong I am on Wednesday.


PostPosted: November 26th, 2016, 5:53 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
Extreme Ghostbuster

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The last time I was so excited, I waited for exam results at the university (priorities, yeah ;) )

About the character's death:
Reason told me it would be Jenny. You know, the perfect balance between "Who cares?" (Ron, Kevin, Dani, Lou) and "Oh my god, this is too much, you're killing the series!" (Core-Team, Kylie). Just enough to hurt us without knocking us out.
But since I first heard about it, I had it in my guts that it might be Mel. Don't ask me why I felt that way in the beginning, but now: The subscription cover(2nd image from the link) - that is Mel, isn't it? She standing there all alone gives me a baaaad feeling.

Whatever, is it wednesday already? I am getting christmas backflashes from my childhood. :D

PostPosted: November 26th, 2016, 8:06 pm 
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Guesswork of my own:
There's no doubt RGB Egon will survive, but I have a theory that the animated timeline WILL get screwed up in the most obvious way possible:
What he sees unfold before him just may be the catalyst that makes him distance himself from RGB Janine, setting up her first encounter with the Makeoveris Lotsabux, since she may have noticed that her IDW/movie counterpart has a different hairstyle to hers.

Everything seems to point to Jenny so far. True, she literally saved everyone the trouble of destroying Central Park, but she also sent everyone, except pure-hearted Winston, to Hell, a place one does not simply crawl out of. Poor Ray, if this is true, then I don't wanna see him cry :cry: And I don't wanna know how it may affect Egon and Janine, after he obviously comes back. On a humourous note: Guess your version of Ray may be free to stick with Liz Hawthorne after all, Fritz. ;)

Keeping hope alive, even at the bleakest moment.

PostPosted: November 30th, 2016, 3:48 am 
Extreme Ghostbuster
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Uh, where to start? First of all, I have to say that I like it and had a lot of fun reading it. It is important because I am going to write a bunch of things now that I did not like so much and I do not want anyone to think that I hated GBI 11. It was a good story, had a nice twist and a lot of funny lines (“Let’s not fight in hell, Janine!”) :D .
1. Almost no Winston in that story! Hell is no place for such a good boy and so he has to stay behind. And since he claims the others only were gone for a minute or so, the annual probably won’t feature a story that tells us what he did while the others were in hell.
2. Aww, Janine hugs Egon when he is back – too bad it would KILL him to hug back.
3. No “Thank you and good bye” for RGB Egon – he is just gone from one panel to the next.
4. The whole story seemed so rushed. 3 pages in the book and everything goes to hell (literally), the big bad guy is defeated in the middle of the comic and after returning from oblivion, Egon gets checked and everything is back to normal. Let’s hope there will be some aftermath in future issues because that was…anticlimactic. I know that this is not Burnham’s fault. They have to give him more space, at least for the final issue of a series.
1. Why did the devil let the Ghostbusters leave with that book? If there was an artifact that could control me, I wouldn’t allow some bunch of weirdos to stroll of with it!
2. Why was Kevin injured? Did I forget something? I can’t remember anything that would explain the crutches.
No-Go (for me, it’s a matter of opinion)
There is a German phrase: “Plötzlich Angst vor der eigenen Courage bekommen”. I do not know if there is something similar in English but it would translate as „suddenly fear one’s own courage“. Did that happen here? As the rumors said a character DOES die, but they do not lose her. I really hope that in the near future there will be a story where she has to move on. Her ghost hanging out at the fire department on a regular basis comes – in my opinion – dangerously close to “jumping the shark”.

But the loose ends and the questions make me look forward to the Annual. I hope we get some answers and aftermath dealing there. :)

PostPosted: November 30th, 2016, 5:57 pm 
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Just read it. SPOILER TIME!:

WOW. Just wow. Loftur Thorsteinsson DID die when looking for the book, but struck a deal with the Devil (Who is his appearance based on? Brad Pitt? Mark Hamill? I wish Dan Schoening had drawn him as Peter Steele from Type O Negative) to not die, so that he could continue looking for the book. It all folded back on him really fast, thanks to Jenny.

I KNEW Aibell, the Faerie Queen, would make her return. Surprise, surprise, she wants the book! Of course, being fairer than Loftur and the Devil, she gave Egon back. It's so nice to see Janine happy, but it's JUST not enough, arrrgh. Janine has learnt her lesson about not kissing Egon in public. And I'm not happy.

And then Peter gives Aibell the book like the dope he is. Then Jenny destroys it like a boss. And Aibell disintegrates her. Took me a while to realize that Jenny had destroyed the book, due to having just woken up. Anyhow, we've got ourselves a death. Congrats, Fritz and Sandra, you were both bang on the money. I'm not patting myself on the back, because not only did I know someone would die, I knew who it would be all along.

As usual, she assumes Peter tried to cheat her out of their deal, Peter goes psychologist on her and Aibell promptly rage-quits and sends them all, minus Jenny, back home to Winston, who's happy to see IDW/movie Egon again.

Ray realizes Jenny is gone and is devastated, but then Jenny becomes a ghost and not only is the USS Ray/Jenny still intact after all, Jenny looks set to become IDW's answer to RGB Slimer, albeit more articulate in mind and vocabulary. And beautiful. LOL at Kylie's reaction.

So Egon was playing with numbers in Heaven. Typical. LOL at Peter and the slinky. It would have been more of an Easter egg if Dan Schoening had drawn the golden slinky that a fan gave Mrs Stiel (She still has it!)

And of course, everything goes back to straight-up ghostbusting. Kevin's broken a leg (Maybe mrmichaelt actually broke his leg?) and Egon SMILED! OMG!

I can't wait for the Annual! But I'm also wondering....What happened to Kaia, Vinter's assistant? Burnham says.

Keeping hope alive, even at the bleakest moment.

Last edited by HauntedWallflower on November 30th, 2016, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: November 30th, 2016, 10:37 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life

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After some thought, I've decided not to continue buying and collecting these comics. I just can't stand that it has so much potential to be great, but it will never be great because then powers that be apparently won't allow character development between the charter members. I can't keep putting my money into something that doesn't deliver like I need. I feel like I can read about ghost battles all over the internet for free. That's not what drew me to buy the comic. I wanted legitimate character development from a licensed product. And no, this isn't just about Egon and Janine. It's ALL of them. Ray, Winston, Peter. Peter hasn't even dated. Just no. They can't just work as ghostbusters until they die. That is not sufficient for these characters, they deserve to have chances at happiness. If they break up it should be a normal reason on occasion, not supernatural all the time. I don't like DC and Marvel comic lines for the same reason. They never get to have relationships. Its like, if you want to be a hero, then you uhave to sacrifice EVERY thing else. That's dumb. Firemen get married and have kids, policemen get married and have kids. Soldiers get married and have kids. It is not unreasonable that a ghostbuster could too. And don't get me started on Janine. If I was the Janine in this comic, I would have spiraled into a depression I couldn't escape by now. All she does is work, pine for someone and put up with bs. That is NOT a life. All this book has done is make me feel bad for them all, they have no chances to be happy this way. Any of them. I'm done.

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: December 1st, 2016, 1:38 pm 
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My thoughts:
I'm not going to feel too sad about Jenny, yet. I have a feeling that she's not going to remain in ghostly form forever, and at some point in future issues they might find a way to get her back to the land of the living. Although it was worth it for Peter's jab about Ray having a 'type'. :P
I agree with Sandra that it is a little bit close to jumping the shark - those last few panels with her floating around did seem a bit ridiculous. That's why I'm hoping it doesn't last, because having Slimer around as the Firehouse pet was silly enough.

I loved the enthusiastic hug Janine gave Egon to welcome him back, but in my opinion the events of this issue really cemented the fact that they are never going to have a relationship in the IDW universe.

Clearly, the restrictions placed by Sony meant that neither Ray, Winston (or Peter) can have a lasting relationship without some sort of heartache, so there's no way Egon and Janine will be allowed to get together. It's just not gonna happen. Especially when they are both original established characters and not newer characters. It's sad, but it is what it is. I would still like them to have a freaking conversation once in a while, see a bit of them working together, and for them to be a bit more friendly and amicable with each other like they are with everyone else, but I think I'm finally okay with them not getting to go on dates, get married or have kids. It would have been great fun to see them try it, but the nice folks over at Sony won't allow it so that's the end of that. It's disappointing, but it's not the end of the world.

Like HauntedWallflower says, Janine has learnt her lesson about not kissing Egon in public. She has definitely broken the cycle that Egon noticed her having back in Volume #1. She's not 'aggressively flirting' with him anymore. It's a shame - I would have liked to have seen her attempting to flirt with the emotionless IDW Egon. I imagine it would be like flirting with a tree, I suppose. :lol: :lol: :lol:

My hope for the Annual and any further volumes is that we get to see a bit more of Egon's human side. His smile at the end of GBI 11 was really promising. Hopefully his experiences in 'Heaven' have mellowed the guy out a little, and made him less emotionally robotic. It also looks to me like he's punching the Rookie in the face in the subscription variant cover of the Annual, which also is not the kind of behaviour IDW Egon would normally have exhibited.

I'd also like to see some more action from Janine. More of her out in the field with the others taking down a forty-foot hell beast instead of sitting at a desk behind a pile of paperwork. Hopefully in future issues Kevin will be taking the calls and she'll either supervise him for a while, or get out on more jobs with the others.

I was also disappointed Winston was left out of most of the action. I think part of the problem is the expanding cast list. Sometimes I wish it went back to the four guys and Janine for a while, so that they can get more equal 'screen time'. It does seem as if some things might have been cut for space - RGB Egon's return to his own dimension, and Kevin's injury which left him on crutches.

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: December 4th, 2016, 12:58 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
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nikki wrote:
I would have liked to have seen her attempting to flirt with the emotionless IDW Egon. I imagine it would be like flirting with a tree, I suppose. :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's not fair! The tree might actually appreciate some affection. ;)

PostPosted: April 5th, 2018, 8:20 pm 
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I'm not sure I'm allowed to post images so I'm just gonna describe this as best as I can:

OK, so, Aibell -bless her black heart, I love her even if she scares me- brings Egon back. Janine hugs him. She's in front of him. Right. Riiiight? BUT, come the panel where Aibell screams bloody murder -ba dum tss- Janine is suddenly and quite inexplicably behind him. A good couple of feet behind him and kneeling on the floor too.



PostPosted: April 8th, 2018, 2:47 am 
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Moonchild wrote:

I saw your tumblr post and I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEVER NOTICED THAT AT THE TIME! I accept this headcanon. And that look on his face when she's hugging him. It's heartbreaking, like he was so wrapped up in his maths-solving heaven that he completely forgot about what made life lowkey worth living for him and the first thing he sees when revived is her!

Keeping hope alive, even at the bleakest moment.

PostPosted: April 8th, 2018, 3:51 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
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HauntedWallflower wrote:
Moonchild wrote:

I saw your tumblr post and I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEVER NOTICED THAT AT THE TIME! I accept this headcanon. And that look on his face when she's hugging him. It's heartbreaking, like he was so wrapped up in his maths-solving heaven that he completely forgot about what made life lowkey worth living for him and the first thing he sees when revived is her!

Agreed. For one, I keep thinking, you drag Egon away from solving equations, he's most likely gonna be at least a little ticked, right? But at the time he just seems so... it's like in his mind he's going trough billions of thoughts and while 'I NEED TO SCAN MYSELF I WAS DEAD LIKE A SECOND AGO' is up there in his priorities, there is also 'Oh...oh, damn, Janine'. I know I pester a lot about how the comics draw some parallels with the animated series but SRSLY, I keep thinking about how RGB Egon says her name in Ragnarok and Roll. Realization. Sorrow. Longing. All of it put together in ONE WORD. That's what I imagine going through his head at this point, like 'I was dead and I could have stayed dead and I would have never seen her again'. It's three parts wishful thinking, I know, but if the evidence, however small, is there...well, what else am I supposed to think? How else am I supposed to interpret it? Particularly when in the following scene it looks like whatever he was thinking stepped aside to leave place for 'OH CRAP, PROTECT THE WIFEY' as his priority.

Additionally, the final scene of this arc feats him actually smiling and saying "It's good to be back" as they all leave the firehouse -right after there's a charming moment between Janine and Peter where she uses the phrase 'Don't make me brain you'- and I swear, for whatever reason it really catches my eye that they made emphasis on Janine on this scene. Almost as if they're trying to tell you she's one of the main reasons he's glad to be back ;) I'm still not holding my breath for the IDW team to 'Make them official' or whatever, but they sure do seem to love their Janine/Egon and put it in there whenever they get the chance, even if it's subtle.


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