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 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 14th, 2009, 10:40 pm 
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They do give a very logical reason for avoiding RGB content: they like and appreciate the cartoon, they simply want to stick to the films, plus it increases the likelihood of a future RGB game, which is news I'm sure no one hear is unhappy to hear.


 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 15th, 2009, 12:27 pm 

Joined: February 18th, 2009, 9:47 pm
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To answer ghostdiva,

I fully understand why you guys are upset, they're not including the things about Ghostbusters that you guys have chosen to follow, but the fact of the matter is, between the cartoon and the movie, the movie is FAR more recognizable of a comodity, and when a franchise has been stagnant for a couple decades, you need to put out what the main audience will recognize. That happens to be the movie.

Which brings me to my second point, which I already somewhat mentioned earlier. Fritz has done this AMAZING job of putting together a timeline for pretty much EVERY major thing to be included from the movies, cartoons, comics, etc. and I think he's panicking now because this might disrupt that, when in reality, I think its entirely within his power to do the same thing here. Obviously since the game hasnt come out yet, I dont know ALL the plot points, but the few I can think of arent that difficult to alter:

-Louis Tully is obviously out of the picture in the game, which leaves much space for Egon/Janine to exist, furthermore, I dont think Janine will have a very prominent role in the game beyond existing at the firehouse HQ and giving out the call assignments, so that doesnt specifically go AGAINST the timeline.

-The stuff with Peter/Dana can just be ignored since obviously Sigourney Weaver isnt in the game, and maybe Fritz can establish some kind of tension between Peter and Dana's relationship at the time the game takes place (maybe they're "on a break" or something), and the flirtations with that other chick are just his way of substituting because he misses Dana, but doesnt realize it yet.

-As for the stuff with Gozer, I have no idea what their plans are for Gozer in this, so we can assume that the plot revolves around some new "Lord Badass" kind of character bringing Gozer back to fight the GB's, then IT fights them by the end. Perhaps we can explain this away by saying its not TRULY bringing back Gozer, but bringing back a sort of visage of Gozer in order to try and psych out the GB's. The Marshmellow man would be a PERFECT example of this.

-The new recruit... This is the only place I'm gonna say "fuck it", because its a video game, so they gotta throw in a playable character for the gamers. Just write it off as "something the game developers added in themselves".

-Extreme Ghostbusters being left out we can explain with them being lured away from New York somehow, or even CAPTURED by the "Lord Badass" entity itself, this would give a PERFECT reason for all 4 original busters to be there alone.

Keep in mind guys, I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, I'm just trying to keep the community from splitting again, because that seems to be where its rapidly going and I had to watch that bullshit go down when the new Indiana Jones movie came out and pretty much the ENTIRE fanbase turned on the franchise it had been following. Fritz, you are still one of the ONLY people who has a team thats actively participating in Fan Fiction, and it seems like this game is killing your motivation, where it should be BOOSTING it. I know its boosting MY Ghostbusters fandom. I think that this will do nothing but give us some cool new Ghostbusters merch, a new GB game that is GOOD for once (hasnt happened yet) and perhaps even a boost in the fanbase itself.

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 15th, 2009, 4:03 pm 
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to Mick Nielson:

Ok, I don't know much about the fan circles and stuff (active in these circles only 2 years) but for some of us the movies were like part of ghostbusters, while The real Ghostbusters was on everyday, with toys and comics and it was the living place for fans. The Real Ghostbusters, in many respects is its own thing, and as I argue on Ghostbusters Wikia its own canon.

Argue all you want how the RGB fans need to pipe down, but this is part of the problem when you make cartoons that do fit with a movie, then make a sequel movie that doesn't. "Citizen Ghost" is my canon! so the second movie is nothing but a bad hollywood sequel to a movie about The Real Ghostbusters (Think "Take Two").Would that work better?

So to me, this game isn't my Ghostbusters anyways. The DVD box set was the last word in RGB so far. I'd be more excited if Extreme Ghostbusters got a release on dvd than Ghostbusters 3 and I'm sure of it.

I think in some ways Dan needs to make stuff fit better together if he wants the community to not be so divided.

Anyways another shocking thought, What happens of the Video Game and Ghostbusters 3 don't fit ? It's still very possible that the game may become like The Real Ghostbusters a "Moment" and not the word of canon law. lol :lol:


 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 15th, 2009, 7:17 pm 
I Have No Life
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Just to be clear, I am not trying to start a canon war, nor am I trying to split people up, that wouldn't make me happy at all.

These things are not my main issue, I am confident that no matter what happens in the game, Fritz will figure out what to do with it, like I've said before, it can be a ghostbusters video game in the timeline, not an actual event.

I am just having an anxiety attack about plopping down 300 bucks for something I might be VERY unhappy about in the end. I don't like surprises where my money is concerned and I really want to know more of what I'm in for plot wise, all these guessing games are just making me anxious. And I know it is easy for everyone to say, well then just don't buy it, but I've always bought everything, I've had entire ghostbusters Christmases, I have a whole closet full of stuff, I don't know how to NOT buy it.

Its like dangling something beautiful in front of my face, then only to get it and realize the side I couldn't see was all torn and broken.

So anyway, to some up, don't start a war, I am talking about me not anyone else. Thank you.

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 16th, 2009, 12:36 am 

Joined: February 18th, 2009, 9:47 pm
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I'm not trying to start a war, nor did I, at any point tell anyone to "Pipe down" you all are absolutely entitled to your opinions and they are just as valid as mine, because it DOES all come down to personal choice to like something or not. I'm not trying to push on you that this game is gonna be amazing, and that if you dont like it, then you suck. The ONLY thing I was trying to say was that this game wont have to affect our timeline the way Fritz was worried about, I was only trying to point out ways for us to explain it away, just like with GB2, Extreme Ghostbusters, 88mph comics, etc.

Again, wasnt looking to fight or insinuate that anyone else's opinions were wrong.

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 17th, 2009, 5:09 am 

Joined: February 18th, 2009, 9:47 pm
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Ya know, I'd like to add something here, I wasnt going to, but its come to a boiling point...

Since the first news of this game came about, everyone has been very wary of it. Understandably so. And if you guys want to reject the game because its not including the parts of Ghostbusters that you want it to, thats absolutely reasonable. I'm not trying to say you are wrong, I've got no right to say you are. But I've tried several times to merely MENTION the fact that this game isnt going to bring down everything that Fritz and the other veteran ghost-heads have built over all these years, that its not important enough to get worked up over, that what WE have is so much bigger and better, and each time I've raised my hand to suggest that, I've been stomped down into the mud by all of you who are blindly stomping the game into the mud (and no, I'm not just talking about this thread, it was relatively MILD here). I'm not some dumb newbie kid like Brendan Rome over at GBI, I'm an adult and I think I deserve respect same as everyone else who's proven that they are truly fans. I know I havent been on the boards and active for as long a time as Fritz, Belmont, Bo, etc, but I thought that I'd made friends during the time I have been here. I paid my dues when I was a newb, followed in you guys' footsteps and thought I'd carved out a niche all my own... But consistently for the last few months, by various people (dont need to mention names) I keep getting either bitch slapped or ignored completely. I dont deserve it. Nobody does, and I'd be saying this even if it WASNT me, if I saw anyone getting treated that way, I'd speak up.

I really hope that all the time I've spent here wasn't a waste, and that the people who have kept this fanbase going for all these years wont fold up just because of some goddamn video game not conforming. Nobody seems to realize this, but the newer people DIDNT get all the stuff that the veterans did. They werent even BORN when the movies came out. I happened to catch the very TAIL END of the Ghostbusters craze that was going around, then it was gone for ten years till Extreme Ghostbusters came out for part of one year... Then it was gone again. Now, FINALLY, we get something new for Ghostbusters, and love it or hate it... Its creating a whole new interest in the franchise, which apparently is a BAD thing for fanbases. Star Wars and Indiana Jones fans better watch out, because here comes yet another fanbase that seems to be turning on its franchise.

I really am sorry I took up so much space, but I had to say it. Move this wherever you want if you dont like it in this thread, but I had to say it one way or another. If it gets swept under the cyber rug of the forum, I guess I'll have my answer.

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 17th, 2009, 9:33 am 
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No, Mick, no need to apologize. You're being honest, and that's what it's all about here--I think this is the only GB board which has taken anything other than an uncritically positive point of view, but at the same time, I don't want people to feel like they can't voice a positive view--I don't want us being the uncritically negative board.

I haven't posted on this thread in a little while because I wanted to see other people's reactions. Just because I run the place doesn't mean I have to shoot my mouth off after every comment, after all.

Honestly, right now, I'm not sweating this anymore. There's lots of stuff going on in this game I don't agree with, granted, but you know what? If I don't like it, I'm not going to use it. It only affects my work if I let it. It's just that simple. I'm going to finish the stories I'm working on as though it doesn't exist.

I'll probably never get the thing, mostly because 1. Video games are expensive and 2. The most advanced game system we have at our house is a PS2 with some issues. I know they're making a PS2 version, but it takes me back to point 1. Maybe it makes me a lousy fan that I'd rather spend the money on Ars Magica books, but if so, so be it. Covenants or Lion and the Lilly. Which one to get next?

I'm not jumping with glee about this, but I'm past feeling resentful to those that are. I remember 1989, during the run-up to GB2. I can only imagine that, to you younger fans, this is about as close to that as it can get. I was disappointed with GB2, but not in the fact that the Ghostbusters were everywhere!



 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 17th, 2009, 1:15 pm 
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Glad to see you being chill about this. I've been hearing about certain people whose strong feelings on the subject have overshadowed their consideration for real people. Have we gotten so wired that we see each other strictly as players in a story and forget actual people, our FRIENDS, are behind the screens, so much so that we will indiscriminately bash them at the slightest provocation?

That's Star Wars s**t, I thought we were better than that. (sorry, couldn't resist, SW rules)

I love GB as much as anyone- I've previously gone on record as saying I have loved it from the womb- and anything that f**ks with it will answer to me. But I can't stomach people putting the integrity of fiction above their relationships with human beings.

(Unless the human being in question is an unmitigated dick, in which case I fully cosign.)

Bottom line, we're all entitled to an opinion, but putting people down because their opinion happens to differ is lightyears beyond uncool.

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 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 17th, 2009, 3:41 pm 

Joined: February 18th, 2009, 9:47 pm
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Fritz wrote:
I'm not jumping with glee about this, but I'm past feeling resentful to those that are. I remember 1989, during the run-up to GB2. I can only imagine that, to you younger fans, this is about as close to that as it can get. I was disappointed with GB2, but not in the fact that the Ghostbusters were everywhere!

So when he says it, its okay, but when I say the same thing just trying to look on the bright side, I get my ass chewed out? Real fair.

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 17th, 2009, 3:55 pm 
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I really don't know what else to say at this point.


 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 17th, 2009, 4:21 pm 

Joined: February 18th, 2009, 9:47 pm
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How about "Sorry you got caught up in the crossfire of our verbal shotgun blasts directed at the game"? I'm sorry Fritz, you know I respect you, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna be walked all over and not say something about it. Especially when it comes to people who I assumed were friends over the last 5 1/2 years, which is why Im saying anything at all. If I didnt consider you an ally, I'd have just said "peace out" to the whole shebang.

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 17th, 2009, 11:10 pm 
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If your mother remarries a great guy, but you think your dad is also a great guy, it doesn't mean you love your dad less because you really like your mom's new can enjoy the next new thing without feeling like you betrayed the established thing.

If a fan doesn't wanna buy the game, I respect that. I wasn't digging on the manga or comic book (excludes Legion) so I didn't buy.

;) I would kiss & make internet rift boo-boo go away if only I had a kissing emoticon.

Tonight you will be visited by 3 ghostbusters.

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 18th, 2009, 12:07 am 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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the tension is starting to get to all of us . With all the arguing It's stating to not be fun any more .



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 18th, 2009, 2:27 am 

Joined: February 18th, 2009, 9:47 pm
Posts: 241
Which is my biggest concern, everyone is so wrapped up in this damn controversy that people are forgetting to actually have the FUN part of being in the fan community. Pretty much me, Fritz and Jason are the only ones writing stories now (far as I know) and occasionally Rachel joins in with Jeremy.

 Post subject: Re: The "GB3" Video Game
PostPosted: April 18th, 2009, 10:26 am 
I Have No Life
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I think part of the problem is that some people are taking this game thing WAAAY too seriously. I mean, sure there are parts of it which might not please everyone, but it's not even out yet and some people are already having panic attacks and major arguments over it. I mean, chill out, guys! :D

For those of you who are blitzing out over spending shedloads of money on this game, all I can suggest is that you rent the game (and a console, if need be) cheaply, and try it out for a few days before splashing the hard cash. Or you can always wait until the game is out and then read the reviews on game websites and ghostbusters websites to find out what it's actually like. There's no point at all in having a huge 'anxiety attack' about something that you know next-to-nothing about until it's actually released and someone has played it to completion. No-one knows how it's going to play out yet, unless they've played it and finished it. You might be freaking out over nothing. If you still hate it after finding out all the facts, then don't buy it. No-one is forcing you to try and enjoy something you won't like and no-one will judge you on your fan credentials if you don't buy it.

As for the fiction side, I've said before that Fritz has got every right to do what the heck he wants with this game -- if he decides it's not worth bothering with in the Timeline, then I don't think anyone will argue with him over that. If anyone does feel strongly about having this game featured in their fanfiction, then there's no reason why the story can't be apocryphal. Plenty of other great fanfic stories are. 

Ultimately, I completely agree with Mick in that this game might not be to everyone's taste, but there are fans whose only experience of ghostbusters will be this game and who weren't lucky enough to be around for the excitement surrounding the cartoons or films. 

Then there are also fans like me, who were around for the films and cartoons and who can't help but feel a buzz about this game. Fans who aren't concerned about whether the game is set in the RGB world or the movie-verse, who don't think it's a big deal that Venkman isn't with Dana for one stand-alone game (it would bother me if it was a series, but as it isn't it doesn't worry me in the least), and who won't judge the outcome of the Gozer and Vigo situation until I've seen someone play it (or have played it myself). 

To be frank, nothing I've heard so far about the game justifies some of the ranting (which at times borders on the hysterical) that I've read from some fans about it or for any major internet drama to break out over it. The fanfiction problem can be overcome (Mick has supplied some great work-arounds in this thread, and I've read a few other great suggestions on some other threads about the game), the storyline and plot sounds intriguing (none of us yet know how it's going to turn out until it's been played, so there's a good chance that some of those fears may be unfounded), none of the characters are OOC (unlike the total massacre of Janine's character in GB2), and to get the chance to blast a few ghosties yourself sounds like a whole heap of fun! Having the game set in the movie-verse actually seems quite sensible to me because the actors involved with it are more associated with the films than the cartoon series, anyway. That's not to say I wouldn't love to see an RGB-based wii game featuring the voice actors from the cartoons sometime (and maybe if this game is successful it might happen, you never know). 

All in all, I've not read or heard anything about this game which sounds horrific enough to have nightmares over, or to keep me up at night worrying. After all, nothing can be worse than a slutty Janine trying to have hot sexorz with a dweeby Louis Tully while babysitting, can it? Wow, seeing it written down like that makes it look like the summary of a really bad PWP fanfiction! :lol:

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