
Choose and Perish, yo.
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Author:  Spenglerite [ April 20th, 2008, 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Choose and Perish, yo.

I happened upon this thread on IMDB and decided to pitch it to you fine folks...

"If you could choose the form of Gozer, what would it be?"

There were responses ranging from Darth Vader (which makes sense, since he's got that whole Sithier-than-thou thing going on) and George W. Bush.... which is perfect when choosing the form of a Destructor. Someone even put David Hasselhoff, which I don't exactly understand. Is this Baywatch Hoff we're talkin here, or is it Knight Rider Hoff? Shoot, is it even America's Got Talent Hoff????? Gotta be specific!

As far as my choices go, they're very well thought out and logical for the most part:
~A Tree... because seriously, wtf is a tree gonna do?
~Me. I could have some fun with that.
~Clovie. (What's that? Do I smell a crossover???? Oh yes, yes I do.)

i'lll post more as soon as i can think straight, but as there's a bottle of corona in my hand, i'm a bit occupied. :lol:

:lol: have fun! :D

Author:  Fritz [ April 20th, 2008, 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

Some of those wouldn't have been possible in 1983 or 1984, of course. Darth Vader and Knight Rider Hoff, yes. But the only George Bush anybody would really have a chance of knowing about at that time would have been the Vice President, George H.W. Bush, the Deciderer Guy's father. I think Duhbya was still a useless drunk in those days (as opposed to a useless dry drunk like he is now)

I dunno....I probably would have gone the same route as Ray. He certainly tried to outthink Gozer by choosing something little, cute, and harmless. It didn't work, obviously.

Thing is, I suspect that no matter what you thought of, Gozer could have turned it into something powerful and destructive. You know, like those genies who always find a little loophole in your wish to screw you with.

Author:  Spenglerite [ April 20th, 2008, 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

that haunted me in my sleep.
i went to bed right after posting that.
then it hit me.

that door does swing both ways, non? ray tried to think of something good and pure. it would work, really, if it weren't a defined THING.

(this is complex) say gozer were to appear here in good old virginia beach. if you think of just the abstract idea of GOOD, then wouldn't it negate gozer's evilness.

just think JOY and.... JOYNESS.

but whatver you do... don't think of hamsters or anything naked.
it's not pretty.

Author:  jason knetge [ April 20th, 2008, 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

you know I have thought of this my self and i came up with was a balloon .

Author:  Spenglerite [ April 20th, 2008, 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

haaaaaaaaaaha a luftballon!!
that is a novel idea!

go ahead, fritz... pop this idea if you can! (pun intended)

Author:  E/J E/E TJ/JC [ December 14th, 2009, 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

~Me. I could have some fun with that.

Everyone should choose themselves that'd be awsome. :jacko: or now that I think about it we could use that guy, or maybe this guy :pecker: Ahhh! (Sorry, scared myself thinking about it.)

Author:  TheRazorsEdge [ December 14th, 2009, 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

Whatever you think of is just a shell. It's still Gozer's brain at the helm, and Gozer wants to destroy, so Gozer's going to corrupt your wish and make whatever you thought of giant and strong and evil.

You think of a balloon, you'll get a Macy's parade balloon with arms and legs capable of swiping and taking chunk out of buildings. You think of a tree, you'll get an Ent from Lord of the Rings. Et cetera.

Marshmallow was probably the best possible move since it burns so easily. The only thing I can think of that would be easier to fight is something made of paper like an origami crane, lol.

Author:  E/J E/E TJ/JC [ December 28th, 2009, 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

I just thought of the scariest thing that the distructor could become, Mary Sue Gladstone! :twisted:

Author:  village idiot [ April 15th, 2010, 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

This is a tough one. The only think I can think of is bacon, because, well, I'm an unrepetant bacon addict.

I think I can feel my arteries hardening at just the thought of a 50 foot bacon monster appearing before me......

Pardon me while I clean the drool off my keyboard.

Author:  BlackMaria [ April 15th, 2010, 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

village idiot wrote:
This is a tough one. The only think I can think of is bacon, because, well, I'm an unrepetant bacon addict.

I think I can feel my arteries hardening at just the thought of a 50 foot bacon monster appearing before me......

Pardon me while I clean the drool off my keyboard.

The giant bacon would give you a heart attack on the spot before you could raise your thrower.

Author:  village idiot [ April 15th, 2010, 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Choose and Perish, yo.

BlackMaria wrote:
village idiot wrote:
This is a tough one. The only think I can think of is bacon, because, well, I'm an unrepetant bacon addict.

I think I can feel my arteries hardening at just the thought of a 50 foot bacon monster appearing before me......

Pardon me while I clean the drool off my keyboard.

The giant bacon would give you a heart attack on the spot before you could raise your thrower.

True, but there are worse ways to go :D

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