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PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 5:07 am 
Fresh Meat
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((This is a story I've had in mind for a long time now, and being I just decided to join this forum I thought it would be cool to give it a try; and see how fellow GB fans like it. I tried to stay as true to the ghostbusters as I could, So remember that all feedback is appreciated!))

-Title- Ghostbusters: The Gateway To Hell

Location: New York City (Also featuring various other settings)

Date & Year: December 31st, 2008

Note: This is just the info sheet, chapter 1 of the story will be up very soon; so keep an eye open.

It has been nearly 20 years since the Ghostbusters fought and defeated Vigo The Carpathian, but now a new horror is about to besiege not just New York, but that of the entire world; as a gateway between our diemension and that of what some refer to as 'Hell' is about to be forced open, and will allow supernatural beings to cross over into our world. The very nature of this new conflict between man and spirit will be known as the unholy war, and as Dr. Egon Spengler fears, it may share a unique connection to the top secret, unearth war.

Some speculate that the unearth war started in late 1964 and was fought by United States military forces, also claiming that the gateway that caused this war was closed in 1968 when the U.S detonated two Atomic Bombs inside the parallel diemension; stopping beings on the otherside from pouring through and destroying all that was in their path. The U.S Military had supposedly saved the world from a fate which it knew nothing about. All paper and electronic files of this era in human history (if they even exisit at all) were either sealed or deleted then locked away, never to be seen again not even by the president.

All was quiet for years until in 1970 ghosts left over from the unearth war started to appear around the world, then in the year 1984, 16 years after the end of the unearth war; three scientists founded what was to become the Ghostbuster Franchise! They were to be a team of paranormal investigators and eliminators who could be hired to combat these supernatural beings, but unbeknownst to them there was a much bigger plot that was unfolding right before their very eyes, the only problem being that even they couldn't think of the horror that was about to descend onto the earth.

In the 20 years leading from 1989 upto new years eve 2008, the ghostbuster franchise branched out into other cities with each major city having it's own ghostbuster team; but of course the one in New York remains the most popular and famous of them all. Dr. Ray Stantz and Egon Spengler both oversee the day to day operations of the company as a whole, also making sure that each of the branch managers stay in line with the ghostbusters goal; which is to treat each customer with respect no matter their situation.

The threat of the unholy war is not all that the ghostbusters must endure however as another paranormal investigations and eliminations company wants to 'talk' business, that business being the owners aquisition of the ghostbuster brandname and all rights and ownership thereof the entire franchise; threatning aswell that if they don't comply he will initiate a hostile takeover and take it by force.

This will be a fight that the ghostbusters won't soon forget, as the survival of the entire world hangs in the balance and only one team can save us...So, "Who ya gunna call?"

Chapter 1: "Hostile Intent, prt. 1" Coming soon...

"There is a very fine line." A shadowy voice started talking. "Between friendly offer, and hostile takeover!"

"Think about that." The figure smirked evily. Ghostbusters: The Gateway To Hell Coming Soon...

PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 8:55 am 
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Welcome to the Ectozone.

The premise sounds intriguing; everyone around here knows I'm a big fan of the Now Comics material, and if you aren't using the Unearth War/ARMOR story as the basis of yours, it's sure an incredible coincidence :lol:

Looking forward to seeing what you have in mind.


PostPosted: June 18th, 2009, 7:58 pm 
Fresh Meat
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((Yeah, the unearth war will be one of the main focal points of this stories storyline, the story will also chronicle the ghostbuster franchise in it's later days (Circa, 2008); I also integrated the Extreme Ghostbusters into the story as you can see from my name, I am a fan of that Cartoon Series aswell.))

Chapter 1: "Hostile Intent, prt. 1"

(New York - Central Park)

"We didn't know who else to call..." The police officer drew in a deep breath as he crossed the yellow police line, he then signaled to the F.B.I Agents that it was ok for the two men to his left and right to enter. "So I took you're ads seriously, who ya' gunna call, right?"

"You did the right thing." Dr. Stantz took his PKE Meter off his belt buckle and started to scan the area around them, as Egon walked right over to the intra-diemensional portal and began scanning it, his own intuition telling him to keep a safe distance from it.

"Has anything strange happened since this gateway appeared?" Egon asked turning his full attention to the officer.

"Not extremly strange but it did act up when we first got here, Omega Corp. Conducted a complete scan of the area with something called, a positional PKE radar I think it was called." The officer shook his head. "They found nothing, so thats why we called you guy's; personally Omega Company isn't anywhere near where the Ghostbusters are...Thats just my opinion though."

"Thats because Omega Corp hasn't had the experiance we have, all their business is flash over practice; when you call us, you know you are getting professionals everytime." Ray smirked a little before the PKE Meter began humming and glowing brightly, the needle inside the device was buried on the far right of the reader. "Spengler, you might want to take a look at this."

"What is it?" Egon asked as he walked over taking scans of his own on his PKE Meter. "Oh no, this is bad...Very, very bad."

"Whats wrong?" The police officer asked trying to make sense of what was going on.

"If my readings are accurate it seems this may be a portal to hell of sorts, the bad news being this type of portal exsists on both diemensional planes, allowing us to step through it but whatever or whoever lay on the otherside aswell." Egon looked at Ray. "We need to get back to the lab, I must run some tests to see if this is the same type of portal that..."

"That what?" Ray asked suspicously as Egon just stopped talking. "Is there something you know that you're not telling me about?"

"I don't know yet, I need to research something that happened in 1964...We need to leave as I don't know how much time we have." Egon turned and started to walk back toward the Ecto Mobile.

"I sure hope you guy's can figure something out, thanks for taking a look, I really appreciate it." The officer shook Rays hand then watched as he returned to the Ecto Mobile, it then drove off leaving him there to ponder exactly what was going on.

(New Jersey - The Omega Corp HQ)

"I thought that idiot was going to revoke the Ghostbusters liscence, how can we take over when they still hold so much power? New York City looks to them before they even consider us! That incident in Central Park is a shinning example." Brandon Peck stood up from his desk and walked to his window, looking out over downtown New Jersey. "Marshall Campbell isn't competant, how in the world is he qualified to run the Paranormal Contracts Oversight Commitiee anyway?"

"I don't know, sir." A shadowy figure was standing on a raised part of the floor infront of Brandons desk, his face obscured by the shadows cast from the darkness of the office, this mans very prescence that of pure evil. "If you're father were to anull his retirement and stay on as chairman of P.C.O.C we would be in a better place, besides, Walter Peck hates the Ghostbusters almost as much as I do."

"Don't you think I have tried to talk him into staying, but I can't say I blame him as a life in politics can take it's toll." Brandon turns to look at the man that stood a few feet from him, his complextion that of a person who wanted power. "Can't you're minions do anything? I mean you did almost take over this planet in the unearth war, can't you pull reinforcements over to this diemension from hell?"

"I am not that powerfull yet, I must 'aquire' an anchient artifact known as the gozerian codex as it holds a powerfull spell, one that Ivo Shandor used once to try an gain untold amounts of power." The shadowy figure crossed his arms looking right at Brandon as he begins to speak.

"You are talking about the 1991 Incident where Ivo Shandor tried returning to this diemension, that pales in comparison to what we are trying to accomplish; this is on the scale of the unearth war, except this time an unholy war will be waged and I don't think the Ghostbusters have what it will take to win." Brandon sat back down at his desk put a hand to his chin, he looked toward the figure. "Where is this codex you seek?"

"The last time it was seen the Ghostbusters had it in their possession, but they have since returned it to the New York City library; they have it there locked away by request of the great Dr. Egon Spengler." The figure said that last part with great contempt, he uncrossed his hands leaning against Brandons desk. "Omega Corp could send a team in to aquire the codex, it would help our cause alot."

"Alright, but I want you to head up the team as no one on the Omega Team know what this codex is, when you find it get out fast as we aren't ready to take on the Ghostbusters head on." Brandon nods as the dark cladded man began to walk out of the office, he stops upon hearing Brandons voice begin talking. "Remember, a branch of No Ghost Inc. Might be there aswell, they are currently trying to take control of the Ghostbuster Franchise...We can't allow that, make sure they know not to mess with the Omega Company, got it?"

The figure nods and turns back to the door vanishing before he ever even got to it, showing that he was no mere human maybe even that of a demon.

(Los Muerte, Nevada - The Extreme Ghostbusters Branch (Main subsidiary of Ghostbusters International)

Kylie Griffin now 29 years old is the branch manager of the Ghostbuster team stationed in Los Muerte, Nevada. A somewhat peacefull rural town where the closest city is Las Vegas, this branch of the Ghostbusters brand is dubbed the Extreme Ghostbusters...It's based upon the team led by Dr. Egon Spengler from 1997-1998.

"Kylie!" A voice called out from behind a desk, the person stands up with the phone in his hand; being none other than Eduardo Rivera. "It's Egon, he says something big is going on in New York."

"Give me the phone." Kylie takes a deep breath before smiling a bit, in a way glad to hear the voice of her old mentor. "Dr. Spengler, to what do I owe this call?"

"It's good to talk to you again aswell, but I have a problem I need to talk to you about; do you remember the relic I had transferred up there last week?" Egon asked in a no nonsense type of voice.

"Yeah, I've been needing to talk to you about that thing, Garrett has been going over it ever since it got here; and he still hasn't figured out what it is, why all the mystery?" Kylie sat down in a chair infront of Eduardo' desk, whom was curiously listening in on Kylie's Conversation with Egon.

"It is a helix node from the onset of the secret unearth war, it is rumored that when this node activates, gateways will open all over the world; has Garrett figured out a way to shut it off yet?" Egon asked hoping against hope that he had, but what evidence was there that even that would stop the new unholy war? "I fear something very big is on the horizon, bigger than the Diemensional Rift of 1991...Stronger and more threatning than even Ivo Shandor, how have things been in EGB's jurisdiction by the way?"

"Unusually quiet would be putting it bluntly, if it weren't for you're helix node we wouldn't have anything to do around here; you want to talk about someone being busy, you should call Rola...I mean Dr. Jackson up in North Carolina, that branch is going to get the franchise of the month award next month." Kylie laughed a little trying to lighten the mood, she then went right back to her serious stance. "If you need any of us to help out, you know our number."

"Yeah, thanks for letting me know how Garrett is coming along with the node, if anything developes give me a call and I will have someone fly out there." Egon let a small smirk appear on his face, before he said goodbye and hung up the phone.

"Whats going on?" Eduardo asked acting as if he hadn't been listening in on his wifes conversation.

"Egon fears something big is about to happen and he thinks it might involve all the franchises, he called it the unholy war but never got around to explaining what this war is, seems like this will be something all 11 branches of Ghostbusters International; will have to stand upto." Kylie turned to her husband of 2 years and smiled a bit. "We on the otherhand, have so much more to look out for."

Almost as soon as Kylie had gotten those words out of her mouth, 4 year old Albert Rivera ran into the office room and upto his mom. "Mommy!" He cried out, having missed his mom and dad while at pre-school.

"Did you have a nice day at school?" Eduardo asked looking to his son. "You should head on upstairs and unpack, mommy and daddy have a surprise for you."

"A surprise!?" Albert jumped with joy then ran excitedly up the stairs.

"I think he is going to like this, he has always been a big fan of Ghostbusters New York so Doctor Zeddemore coming here is going to make his day." Kylie smirked a bit before kissing Eduardo on the cheek and standing up. "I have a job to look in on downtown then I will head straight back here, when I head back I will pick Winston up from the airport; he should have arrived by then."

"Gotcha, be carefull out there." Eduardo had humbled a bit ever since marrying Kylie, even more when Alberto was born; he smiles a bit and watches Kylie drive away on her Motorcycle dubbed, the Ecto Cycle.

To Be Continued... Chapter 2: "Hostile Intent, prt. 2"

"There is a very fine line." A shadowy voice started talking. "Between friendly offer, and hostile takeover!"

"Think about that." The figure smirked evily. Ghostbusters: The Gateway To Hell Coming Soon...

PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 9:10 am 
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I had to chuckle at one bit: Kylie and Eduardo's son is four, and they've only been married for two years. You didn't change everything... :lol:

Very intrigued by the Omega Corp and the presence of competing paranormal investigation companies. We've brushed on the subject just a tad in GBOT continuity, but nothing quite like this yet.


PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 10:07 am 
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ExtremeBuster09 wrote:
((...I also integrated the Extreme Ghostbusters into the story as you can see from my name, I am a fan of that Cartoon Series aswell.))

Always nice to see a fellow fan on this forum. :)

As Fritz says, some interesting ideas here. I wonder if Roland's still around in this continuity. When my brother wrote a story involving EGB a few years ago, he'd had Roland leave the team because he found him just too boring to write about. :lol:

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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PostPosted: June 24th, 2009, 1:23 am 
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((This isn't a complete chapter but it is the preview of chapter two; I got busy over the weekend and subsequant days, so I put together this preview, chapter two is coming but until it does I hope this will give a glimpse of how the storyline is going.))

[Preview] Chapter 2: 'Hostile Intent, prt. 2'

(Ghostbusters International HQ - New York City)

Each of the Ghostbusters were dressed in full formal uniform, today was a day of sadness but also that of great contempt; as the Ghostbusters had just lost one of their own, but at the sametime had to deal with the growing threat of Omega Corp and No Ghost Inc.

"I took the liberty of calling Rhonda, needless to say she was shocked at the news of her fathers death; but she will be here for the funeral." Ray took a deep breath, this death taking it's toll.

"I have known alot of people in my life..." Peter Venkman looked from the sad look of Ray to the Angry look of Egon, his own emotion something rarely ever seen of Peter; he knew deep down this would change the Ghostbuster Franchise forever. "But when Winston became a Ghostbuster all those years ago, it was like something changed; he was the one that kept atleast a little bit of credability in this office, and I am sure we will all miss him greatly."

Egon sat the drink glass down on the table infront of him so that he could say a word. "We all know Winston gave his life two days ago for the greater good, investigating the 'Disturbance' at the library just like any ghostbuster would, we know how dangerous this job can be at times aswell."

Ray and Peter nodded at what Egon had just said agreeing with every word.

"We all started this business going on 25 years ago and we always fought side by side, at times getting on each others nerves but I have to say that this group right here has always been where my true friends are; I would not give this friendship up for anything." Egon was visibly shaken by what he was saying, the death of Winston Zeddemore getting to even him.

"Why Egon, who knew you could be so touching?" Peter smirked a bit and looked at Ray. "That does raise a question though, one that has to be answered whather we like it or not..."

"Nobody can replace Z." Ray looked to Egon then back at Peter. "But we do have to abide by the rules we laid down after the 1991 Incident, which does state that all Ghostbuster Divisions must have atleast 4 Ghostbusters at a time and no more than 5."

"What about the rookie?" Peter asked gaining looks from both Egon and Ray.

"Don't forget peter that he runs the New Jersey division now, if we transfer him from there to here we would have to replace the division head in NJ." Ray shook his head. "That would create work we couldn't get done at the present time."

"What about The Extreme Ghostbusters?" Peter asked before turning his attention to Egon. "They were trained by Egon, and know the New York Divison like the backs of their hands."

"That would be a logical choice..." Egon agreed but then shook his head. "However, Kylie and Eduardo are in Nevada as Co-Division Heads of the Nevada Division, with Garrett serving as their chief tech; while Roland is in North Carolina serving as a Ghostbuster in that Division."

"Which would spell disaster if we mixed all those divisions up right now, I wonder if Omega Corp did this just to throw Ghostbusters International into complete chaos?" Ray asked really wanting to know the answer.

Janine Melnitz- Spengler walks into the office clad in a black dress with a black vale, she too was ready to say goodbye to one of her closest friends. "Egon, you guy's got a call from the public library but I told them Winston passed away; they said that there was a repete of the incident that killed him, and take three guesses as to who is there again."

"Omega Corp?" Ray blurted out without even thinking.

"Bingo..." Janine walks upto the 3 ghostbusters, standing beside her husband. "It seems that these Disturbances only happen when they are nearby, but now I am getting reports that other Divisions are noticing similar things happening in their jurisdictions."

"This is getting too out of hand." Ray muttered before turning around, he walks upto the locker which housed their flightsuits and proton packs. "Winston was close to finding the answer to all this, I say we finish his work by paying the library a visit."

"Not to sound harsh..." Peter started slowly. "But what if thats what Omega Corp wants? What if they decide to take us out, just like they did Winston?"

"That is a chance we must take." Egon motioned toward the locker. "For the sake of not only New York, but the rest of the world aswell."

Peter sighed a bit and just nodded as each of them began to change into their flightsuit, getting ready for an almost certain showdown with Omega Corp.

To Be Concluded... Chapter 2: Hostile Intent, prt.2

"There is a very fine line." A shadowy voice started talking. "Between friendly offer, and hostile takeover!"

"Think about that." The figure smirked evily. Ghostbusters: The Gateway To Hell Coming Soon...

PostPosted: April 15th, 2010, 5:49 am 
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I am so sorry I let this story go for so long, I fully intended on continuing it after Chapter 1 as I had so many ideas for it, but my dad passed away last year and I really didn't come online very much after as I got so busy.

I do however have more freetime now, and am very much interested in starting from where I left off and continuing the story, with a few minor modifications of course. (For example: Disregard that preview above this post, as it is almost a year out of date, and I have had many new ideas since then.)

The first chapter however remains 'as is' in the Gateway To Hell continuity, and the last part of it is where I will begin from in Chapter 2. As I said though, I know it has been a long wait but it's finally over, as Gateway To Hell is back and ready to be continued!

"There is a very fine line." A shadowy voice started talking. "Between friendly offer, and hostile takeover!"

"Think about that." The figure smirked evily. Ghostbusters: The Gateway To Hell Coming Soon...

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