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 Post subject: The Carnival Fic
PostPosted: August 25th, 2007, 12:21 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 9:10 pm
Posts: 910
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Zodiac: Pisces
Title: The Carnival
Author: Shafarah White
Disclaimer: I don't own the guys and Juilanna and Carlton are my characters.
Beta: Susie Owens
Rating: G
Copyright: 2005-2006

Part 1

It was the last day of school; CJ and Jules had just gotten off the bus. They were glad that school was over for the summer and they were making plans on what to do for the summer. "Boy, after nine long months, I'm really glad that school is over. I just want to relax. Don't you agree, sis?" CJ asked, as they were walking toward their house.

Jules smiled and replied, "Yes I do, but I'm starting to miss learning new things. But hey, this summer should be great."

Then suddenly, Jules stopped. She stood there looking at a poster that said: Carnival opening this Saturday at Central Park. It will run from June 7th though the 19th. Gate admission is free; the rides cost about five dollars. "Do you think that Mom and Daddy would let us go?" Jules asked, as CJ was also looking at the poster.

CJ nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I think Mom and Dad would let us go as long as it's safe. Are you going to ask Charlie, Jules?"

Jules smiled as she blew some of her red-orange hair off her face, "Yes, I am and I'm going to call him tonight to see if he wants to go. What about your friends, Ronnie and Jason are you going to ask them, too?"

CJ nodded, "I'm planning to do that as well. Come on sis, I think Mom's waiting for us." he said as they headed to their house.

Elaine heard the kids coming in. She greeted them with a smile, "Hi kids, how was your last day of school?" "It was good Mom, all we did is sit around and wait for our report cards to come out." Jules replied as she and CJ put their book bags away and took out their report cards. "You'll be happy to know that we both received A's and B's and passed to the sixth grade. Do you want to see them?" Jules asked.

"Sure." Elaine replied, as CJ and Jules handed Elaine their report cards.

After looking at them for a while Elaine was very happy and she gave both her kids a hug saying, "Your grades are excellent and I'm proud of the both of you."

"Thanks, Mom." CJ said and then he told Elaine about the carnival.

"If it's alright with you and Dad, may we go to the carnival on Saturday?" He asked. "That's the first day it opens and the admission is free and the rides are only five dollars. I'm going to ask Ronnie and Jason to go with me and Jules is calling Charlie to see if he wants to go and we'll all stick together."

Elaine was thinking for a moment, "What time does it open?" She asked.

Jules replied, "It opens at 11 am and closes at 11:30 pm. But I doubt that we're going to stay that long. You or Dad wouldn't allow it."

Elaine smiled at her daughter's wisdom. So she decided to make the decision without Ray.

"Alright you may go, I'm sure your father won't mind. Just make sure that you guys stick together. And don't have your money out so people would try to steal it and most of all.."

"Yeah we know," CJ and Jules said together. "Be careful."

"That's right, be careful and be back by nine."

"Hey thanks, Mom!" CJ and Jules said while hugging their mom.

It was almost dinnertime, CJ and Jules had just got done calling their friends and all of them said they were going. They agreed to meet in the Stantz's home in the morning. CJ and Jules were very excited. They were in CJ's room playing Mario Kart: Double Dash, Jules was winning.

"Hey no fair. You cheated!" CJ protested, as a bob-bomb had bombed his character.

"No, I didn't! Stop saying that CJ, or I'll tell Dad." Jules scolded, as she was moving ahead of the game. They kept playing until they heard Elaine call, "CJ, Jules, it's time to eat!"

"Okay Mom, we're coming." CJ replied, as he and Jules turned off their game and headed downstairs. Everything was ready, The kids made their plate and sat down at the table waiting for their Mom to sit down, Ray had called saying that he will be home in a while and they should start without him. So Elaine places his plate in the microwave.

Elaine and the kids started eating and they were talking more about their last day of school and Elaine was very interested in their stories. Suddenly they heard the door being opened and watched as Ray entered the dining room.

"Hello everyone, sorry I'm a little late. The last bust was running behind schedule, the ghost was a nasty one. It took longer to trap him than we thought." he said, smiling behind his red-orange mustache as he gave Elaine a kiss, and hugged his kids.

"Hi honey. I have your dinner ready in the microwave and I'm glad that you made it just in time." Elaine replied, smiling as her husband as he went over to get his plate from the microwave and sat down at the table.

"The chicken looks good, Elaine. So how was your last day of school, kids?" Ray asked

"It was good we received our report cards, we both had A's and B's. We both passed to the sixth grade, next year we start middle school." Jules explained. "Tomorrow, we're going to the carnival. Our friends are going with us. Mom said it was okay we’d be home at nine, no later. Is that okay with you, Daddy?" She asked.

Ray nodded, "Of course you may go. That's awesome! I'm so proud of you both." He smiled at both of them. "That's your reward for getting good grades and passing. Who knows maybe we'll come up there if we get off early enough."

"Don't you mean if you have no calls? Ray, it's not up to how late or early you work. It's up to how many ghosts you have to bust." Elaine reminded him.

"I'm sure Peter will let me off early."

"Are we talking about the same Peter?"

Ray didn't answer her; he just took her in his arms and kissed her.

Jules and CJ smiled. It was so nice to see their parents still madly in love with each other.

"Hey thanks, Dad." CJ said, as the family finished eating.

"Okay, who's ready for dessert? I have blueberry pie and vanilla ice cream." Elaine said.

All of them raised their hands. They loved Elaine's blueberry pie. After they were done eating, they all helped clean the kitchen. Elaine and Jules did the dishes and Ray and CJ took out the trash. When everything was clean, the twins went back upstairs to play their game until bedtime.

Soon it was time for bed. Ray and Elaine kissed them both good night.

"You two have fun tomorrow." Ray told them.

CJ in his room went to sleep. Jules laid awake for a few minutes longer in her room thinking tomorrow was going to be a wonderful day for both of them.

The next morning, CJ, Jules, Ronnie, Jason and Charlie were at the Stantz's home and getting ready to leave as they were about head out the door. CJ called out, "Come on guys! We don't want to be late, let's go."

The group left the house and started walking toward Central Park. Ray had told them last night that they might come up there if they could get off early or there weren’t too many calls. On the way there, the group started to talk about what they wanted to do at the carnival.

"I'm going to try out this one game. It's called Pop the Balloon. If you pop three balloons you win a prize." Jason said, smiling at the thought at winning a prize. "What about you guys?"

"For me, I'm going for the rides. I'm going to get on the Tilt-or-Whirl ride, The Dis Co, the Mattherhorn and more. Those rides I really enjoy." Ronnie replied.

"Hey, that sounds cool." CJ said, "I also like those types of rides and I'm going to play to some games as well. I also want to try the dunk the person in the Dunking Booth."

"Me, too. I think this is going to be fun. Right Charlie?" said Jules.

Charlie nodded, "Yes it is. Oh look, there's Central Park."

The group went into the park and headed over to the carnival and went inside.

Once inside the carnival, Jason decided that he wanted to play the game so the group headed over to Dunkin Booth. It only cost a dollar to play, Jason paid. He missed the first two times, but the third time he sent the man into the water and won a stuffed animal. "That was so cool,” he said, smiling at the prize he won.

The kids decided to play some more games. The balloon game, Shoot the ducks. Charlie also won a stuffed animal, a teddy bear. He gave it to Jules. "Here Jules, I would like you to have this."

"Thank you, Charlie." she said smiling at him, as she gave Charlie a kiss on the cheek.

Charlie smiled and blushed at the same time, "You're welcome." he replied.

After that, the kids left the games and went over to the rides.

At the firehouse, Elaine was talking to Janine, since she got off early. The two women were laughing together when Ecto pulled up.

The guys got out and they were a little tired, but happy. "That bust took the whole morning and I'm just about ready to take a nap." Peter said as he went upstairs to clean up.

"How was the bust?" Janine asked.

"It was long like Peter said, but we managed to trap all three ghosts." Winston replied.

"Janine? Are there anymore calls?" Winston asked.

"No Winston, you guys have the rest of the day off." Janine answered.

"Great! Hey do you guys want to go to the carnival? That's where the kids are. It's in Central Park." Ray said.

"Yes, I think we can use the break." Egon replied, as he came back up from flushing the traps.

"Hey, let's go then!" Peter interjected, as he came downstairs.

"I thought you wanted to take a nap." Ray teased.

"I can nap on the way, so let's go!" Peter grinned.

Egon looked at his jumper, "I think it would be wise to clean up first."

The others agreed. Soon they were ready to go and headed for Central Park.

Back at the Carnival, the kids now got in line for the Mattherhorn "flying- bobs" ride. It has been a great day for them. They’ve played some games and ate lunch. Now they were at the best ride of the day.

"Wow, I love this ride!" Ronnie exclaimed, "I rode this many times and I never get tired of it."

"Yeah me, too. It's one heck of a ride,” said CJ. He turned to his sister. "Are you getting on, Jules?"

Jules looked at the Mattherhorn, she really didn't want to get on it. "I'm not sure." she replied.

"Okay." Jason shook his head, "But you don't know what you're missing." As the three boys got on the ride.

"We'll survive." Charlie assured them as they headed to the bumper cars.

Jules smiled at him. "Thanks, Charlie."

"Anytime, Jules. Now let's get to those bumper cars."

When the ride was over, Jules and Charlie got off. They had a great time and they were very happy. "Hey, that was so fun." Jules said smiling at Charlie. "Did you like it, Charlie?"

Charlie also smiled and replied, "Yes, I did. I even liked the part when you got bumped. Come on, we better go find the others." Together they left the bumper cars.

Ronnie, CJ and Jason got off the Mattherhorn; they also had a great time. They were laughing and just relaxing on the bench while waiting for Jules and Charlie. By the time they came, it was 6:30 in the evening. The kids realized that they haven't eaten dinner yet; so they went back to the midway to get something to eat.

The guys had been in the carnival for a while now; they were walking around the park to see what they want to do. "Hey look, there's the Dunkin' Pool game over there and I want to try it out." Peter said, "What about you guys?"

Winston replied, "That sounds cool, count me in. I'm also going to play Shoot the Ducks. I haven't played that game for a long time not since I was a kid." He smiled at the memory.

Janine spotted the Tunnel of Love ride. "Come on, Egon. You know where we're going." she grinned while taking Egon's arm.

Egon looked a little reluctant at first, but he put his arm around Janine and they headed toward the ride.

After everyone had went their separate ways. Elaine said to Ray, "Come on, sweetie. Let's go on the Ferris Wheel." She smiled at him.

Ray smiled back, "Sure, Baby Doll. I hope that we stop at the top." he replied, taking his wife's hand as they headed towards the ride.

A while later, the kids ate and now they were walking around. They soon decided to head back to the rides. They were heading toward the Merry-Go-Round. When Jules asked, "Hey Charlie, do you want to go on the ride with me?"

"Sure Jules, I would love too,” he said smiling.

While walking towards the ride, the group heard Ray calling, "Hi kids, we're here!"

CJ noticed that it was their dad and said, "Hey, its Dad! Let's go see what they want."

They nodded and went over.

"How are you guys doing? Are you having a blast?" Peter asked.

Jules nodded, "We sure are. Mom, Daddy look what Charlie gave me." she said, showing the teddy bear that Charlie won for her.

Janine and Elaine said it was a nice teddy bear. Winston whispered to Ray, "I think Jules might have a crush on Charlie." he grinned.

Ray nodded his head, "Yeah, I think she does, but she's not dating until she's sixteen." he replied firmly.

Jules said, "So how long you guys had been here?"

"We've been here for a while," Ray replied. "So you are guys having fun?"

The kids all nodded their heads. Peter looked at his watch, "It's now 7:40 and we still have a while to be here."

"So where are you guys going now?" Elaine asked.

"We're going to the Merry-Go-Round, then after that, the Ferris Wheel." CJ told her.

Peter nodded his head, "Okay, we'll go over to the Matther horn ride, Dis-Co and the Tilt-O-Whirl ride. So you guys stick together. And since we're here, you guys might as well ride home with us when we're done." He told them as the kids headed toward the merry-go-round.

"Hey, let's get on the Tilt-O-Whirl." Ray suggested.

"Is anyone is not getting on it?" Winston asked.

Only Egon and Janine stayed behind. Peter, Winston, Ray and Elaine headed over to the ride.

Meanwhile at the Ferris Wheel, Jules and Charlie were standing in the line. Ronnie, Jason, and CJ stayed behind to watch.

"Isn't it neat, Charlie?" Jules asked, smiling at him.

Charlie smiled back, "Yeah it is. I really hope that we get to stop at the top so we can have a nice view of the whole park." He then squeezed Jules' hand.

"Yes, that would be nice." Jules nodded. Soon it was their turn. "Come on, Charlie, it's our turn now." Jules and Charlie got in the chair and once they were safely belted in, the ride began. Charlie took Jules' hand.

The Ferris Wheel took them up and they both laughed and held each other.

Back at the Tilt-O-Whirl ride where Winston, Peter, Ray and Elaine had got off the ride. Peter was a little sick, because he'd eaten before he got on the ride even though Ray had told him not to eat anything before going on any rides. Peter knew he was going to loose his lunch, so he hurried to the restroom. Soon Peter was back.

"You okay, Peter?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back to Egon and Janine."

Everyone nodded and headed back to Egon and Janine were standing. Egon asked, "I take it that Peter got sick?"

Winston nodded, "Yes, he sure did. Ray told him not eat anything. Poor Pete had turned green during the ride and he almost threw up everywhere." He grinned as everyone started laughing about Peter's misfortune.

Peter frowned at them. "Hey, I was hungry."

"Hey Dr. V, are you going to be alright or are you going to throw up again?" Janine teased.

Peter retorted, "Yes I am, Janine. And if you don't want to loose your job, we will not speak of this again. Come on, let's head over to the Mattherhorn ride."

Everyone agreed and they all headed over to the next ride.

On the Ferris wheel, Charlie and Jules were enjoying themselves at the top of the ride, "Hey look, we can see the whole park from here, and I see your parents and the guys at the Mattherhorn ride." Charlie pointed out.

Jules also noticed and said, "That's really neat. Let's wave to them. I know that they probably can't see us."

They started waving at them. Soon the ride started moving again and again, they were holding each other hands. But as quickly the ride started it was over, Jules and Charlie met up with CJ, Jason, and Ronnie at the merry-go-round.

When the ride was over, the kids got off the merry-go-round. They were a little tired, but happy.

"Boy, that was fun. But now I'm tired, what about you guys?" Jules asked.

The boys nodded and they all decided that they had enough fun for one day. So they went to find the grown-ups. They looked until they found them at the Mattherhorn ride.

While the others got on, Peter stayed behind because his stomach was still a little queasy. By the time the ride was over, it was around 9:30. Everyone decided to go on one more ride before it was time to go home.

"Okay we have time for one more ride." Ray said.

"Do you guys want to go on the Dis-co ride?" Winston asked.

Everyone nodded, except for Elaine and Janine as they had enough for the day. The rest got on.

Soon the ride ended and it was time to go home. As the kids and the grown-ups walked towards the parking lot, they talked about how much fun they had.

"I'm so glad that we came, it was really fun. I enjoyed getting on the Ferris wheel." Jules said, giving Charlie a pretty smile that made him blush again. "What about you guys?"

Ronnie, Jason, Charlie and CJ all nodded. It was an awesome day for all of them. But it was late and they were sleepy and tired.

Once in Ecto, Elaine asked them, "Did you kids have a good time?"

The kids all said yes.

Jules asked, "Did you all see me and Charlie on the Ferris Wheel? We were waving when we were on the top."

Ray nodded his head, "Yes, we saw you up there. It looks like you guys were enjoying the view." He said smiling at his daughter.

"So are you guys ready to go home?"

The kids all nodded.

Winston drove Ecto out of the parking lot; it had been a wonderful day for everyone. As the Ghostbusters looked over at the kids, they were all sound asleep. Each of the kids dreamed of the wonderful day they had and knew in their hearts they would come back.

The End

I'll get you next time, Gadget! Next Time!- Dr. Claw, Inspector Gadget ending credits

We never would've lost if you koopaling clowns had tried to wake me up! Whose idea was this midnight attack?!- King Koopa, True Colors

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